Biologische Station Lippe e.V.
und Paderborn-Senne e.V.

The Biological Stations are the link between voluntary and official nature conservation as well as agriculture and forestry.

Nature tours and hikes, lectures by experts and children’s activities are offered. The extensive events of the Biological Station Lippe focus on “experiencing nature” and the transfer of knowledge and techniques.

During the holidays there are special event packages. The Paderborn-Senne Biological Station looks after the Senne nature reserve and other nature conservation areas. Numerous projects and events are offered on the topics of nature and species conservation, landscape conservation and the environment.

Guided nature tours, lectures by experts and children’s activities

Biologische Station Lippe e.V.
Domäne 2, 32816 Schieder-Schwalenberg
Tel.: +49 5282 462
Biologische Station Lippe e. V.

Biologische Station Kreis Paderborn-Senne e.V.

Birkenallee 2, 33129 Delbrück-Ostenland
Tel.: +49 5250 70841-0
Paderborn-Senne e. V.