Donoper Teich bei Hiddesen

The idyllically situated Donoper Teich was dammed during the Thirty Years’ War (1618 – 1648) at the behest of Count Simon VII and named after the chamberlain “von Donop”. It was used for fish farming (trout) and as a drinking trough for the “Senner Pferde” (dairymaids’ horses) running freely here.

The hiking trails along the Hasselbach in the direction of Hiddesen to Krebsteich and Hiddeser Bent, the last still existing high moor in the Teutoburg Forest or in the direction of Pivitsheide VH to Hasselbachteich are particularly recommendable.

The Teutoburger Wald/ Eggegebirge Nature Park has set up a 9.5 km ClimateExperienceRoute here, where you can learn a lot about moors, their formation and influence by the climate.

The pond and the surrounding area were placed under protection in 1950 and are among the most popular destinations in Lippe.

Donoper Teich, Parkplatz: Donoper Teich, Stoddartstraße